How can I calculate Si/Al ratio with XRD curve?
And is ZSM-5 zeolite kinds of FAU (faujasite)?
Results of single-case research designs (i.e., n-of-1 trials) are often evaluated by visually inspecting the time-series graph and computing quantitative indices. A question our research team is...
03 March 2021 687 1 View
I want to make a stacked bar graph with showing each data value as dots. I tried with graph pad prism, version 6, but could not succeed. Does anyone have tried before making such graphs?
01 March 2021 9,383 1 View
I want to publish paper in journal but I have figures which have drawn with bio-renders, can I put them in the paper or which other software I can use to draw them?
27 February 2021 8,179 1 View
Its effect appears in real part of ac conductivity also. Can anyone suggest any reason behind it?
26 February 2021 3,487 3 View
I have a permission from X company to use their graph from a report, but they have a reference in the bottom left corner of the graph as follows: "Source: Database Y". Is it OK to use this graph...
24 February 2021 2,269 3 View
i am trying to download x'pert high score software, but can't download it. please do suggest software for phase analysis
24 February 2021 5,687 4 View
Hi all, I am looking for a graph or a relation that relates the degree of saturation and the shear wave velocity for the marlstone. Looking forward to your suggestions Best Regards
24 February 2021 9,690 1 View
I've got this 5 year Direct Normal Irradiance data I downloaded from I ordered this by year and by every 24 hours because I need the DNI curve by max in summer, min...
17 February 2021 2,777 5 View
If there is a set of n points in a plan (with known x, y coordinates), can I use a numerical criterion to establish if two points are neighbours, given the definition of a neighbour for Voronoi...
17 February 2021 6,914 4 View
I've attached a recreation of this graph type that I need to make for study reports. The clients have sent them to us in the past, but I am trying to make the reporting process more streamlined,...
15 February 2021 9,795 3 View