Basically, In cells that has the passive (inactive) surface which incorporates continuous generation of electrons and holes simultaneously, the short circuit current equation can be approximately: Isc = qG (Ln + Lp)
Isc = short circuit current
G = generation rate and
Ln = electron diffusion length
Lp = hole diffusion length
For more:
If you have the current density and you want to calculate the current then you need only to multiply the current density by the active area of the device. The active area must be free from any opaque layers such as the metallic strips acting as busbar to collect the current to the output terminal of the solar cell, and the cross section must contain all the solar cell layer structures. The thick or thin here do not play any role as the layer thickness appears in the vertical layer structure of the solar cell.
So I agree with Behnam Farid
If you display your solar cell structure one can tell you about the active area of the solar cell.