Hi there. I am curious about how to calculate electrical conductivity and current-voltage characteristics. I have looked at a tool like BoltzTraP2 alongside VASP, but BoltzTrap2 only outputs σ/𝜏 but I do not know how to obtain that 𝜏 value to only get the electrical conductivity. There are other tools supposedly available such as LanTraP and AICON2, but these are not possible for me to use, or did not work for me.

I am also open to using CP2K, which I think would rely on NEGF calculations to get these properties, but I am not sure what post-processing tools to use here to get the electrical conductivity and current-voltage characteristics.

Could you guide me to post-processing tools, python scripts or software that can do what I would like, this includes looking at alternative DFT tools that more easily allows me to get these aforementioned properties?

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