THINGS HAPPEN! It is always nice to take sometime off as a break inbetween academic terms to start over fresh again and reboost your mental and physcial positive energy!
Reflection on what we experience and some critical situations and unfortunate challenging circumstances we might face is healthy and help us learn and move on!
You are right @ Anastas Ivanov, failures and crises are temporary you have to be enthusiastic about being alive. Your ancestors are watching you and pushing you forward all the time! Keep going with a smile even in crisis.
Dear jasna\,if we enjoy life and share others,and live with dreams of other,i mean never live alone ,so loneliness is the enemy of human ,so my dear jasna, i agree with you completely .
How can find serenity and happiness in academic life even in crisis moments? Keep calm and cool ,make yourself totally busy in academic activity, write research papers, start solving difficult problems,make other happy and be happy,try to forget about crisis