Dear @Amir, monitoring and evaluation of teacher's quality is continuous job, it includes students also! Students' evaluation of teachers provide valuable feedback! The most important moment for evaluation is during accreditation of Higher Education Institution!
Teachers are more effective at raising student achievement during the school year when they are being evaluated than they were previously, and even more effective in the years after evaluation. The effectiveness of individual teachers were essentially fixed after the first few years on the job. The post-evaluation improvements in performance were larger for teachers whose performance was weaker prior to the evaluation.
TECHNIQUES FOR MONITORING OF THE WORK OF TEACHERS for Serbia is attached! The methods applied are the same for both vocational and academic programmes and teachers!
Thank you, dear Amir, for such interesting issue, that might be a lot more contradictory in answering than how you so simply (brilliantly) put it.
There are positive and negative sides to the question.
You bring up the more positive effect of evaluation, that it helps to improve performances.
The negative side is also included, in the sense that beeing the subject of evaluation is a frightening threat , when you are as insecure, as a bright student should be... (and aren´t we all permanent students?)
Nevertheless, evaluation is necessary at every step of the way.
Even in a simple research problem, we have to stop and analyse, evaluate results.
And teaching performances should be analysed and evaluasted if we intend to ameliorate performances.
The main question that resides is the methods used in evaluation.
Should teachers be evaluated in the same manner as they evaluate their stuidents?
Should teachers be evaluated on the analysis of their students' performances and results?
Are our frequent academic steps on the road to academic teaching carreer , enough?
I think monitoring and evaluation of teacher's quality should be done primarily by taking the feedback from the students. We practice this in our institute where a proforma is provided to every students at the end of each semester and their anonymous feedback are analyzed by the authorities and if needed, it is communicated to the concerned teacher(s) for his/her improvement.
Evaluation needs to be considered an essencial and continuos resource in the teaching/learning processes. All the material, methods, teacher and students should be tested at all times.
There are few methods to evaluate an instructor's performance and success in educating the learners.
The best way is to inquire students to express their progress and what they have learned each session, at the end of the class.
Lectures' assessment forms are another method to evaluate instructors's performance at the end of semester, which is typically online and kept confidential.
Class's performance and profound knowledge on the given domain (or module) is another method to evaluate an instructor's performance.
Dear Amir, you know much of the instructor's impact on student learning takes place in the classroom. Also, instructor's performance in the classroom often depends significantly on activities outside the classroom, including external interactions with students via email or so on. Instructors can draw on multiple sources of feedback to assess their performance and receive developmental input. Feedback may come from students or colleagues (school or university).
I think there should be external evaluation of teaching by an external accreditation board (maybe every academic year, or every term, ... )without making the instructor aware of the specific date or time of the evaluations.
Evaluation of teachers is a bit tricky though its very possible. It needs to combine many methods and their results. Evaluation should comprise students' evaluation as well, then colleague's evaluation, then students performance over the years as well. Both qualitative and quantitative analysis should be carried out. ................. Its an interesting topic. Regional comparison is also of worth importance.
At our University of Connecticut (and at many universities and colleges in the U.S.), every semesterly course taught by a professor is evaluated by a student questionnaire. Therefore, in a typical school year, the professor receives two semiannual evaluations, held at the end of each semester, when the student presumably has a full view of the professor's total performance. At the beginning of the questionnaire, the student is asked, "What grade do you expect to receive in this course?" The rationale is that grade expectation skews student opinion of a professor. When does student evaluation really become threatening? When most or all of a given professor's student evaluations are highly unfavorable. Do evaluations improve one's teaching? I have serious doubts. Professors who actually try to improve their teaching are precisely those who already teach well. Professors who do not attempt to perfect their art have little motivation to teach well anyhow.
When I was a school teacher (1975-1978), I was evaluated once each year by the education department except in 1976 when I was evaluated twice (the second & the best was by 3 experts from the UNESCO). When I became a lecturer in my present university, I have been evaluated by the students each semester plus a yearly evaluation from the head of the chemistry department, the dean of the faculty of science, and the vice-president for the academic affairs. Each year (1984- 2014), they evaluated me as good & productive and, sometimes, distinguished but this added nothing to me. I cannot talk about the reasons.
It is possible that one professor evaluate the other one, but it is the students who are in the best position to do the evaluation. Because they are the learners end success is upon their activity.
Dear Dr. Nizar you have good evaluation process in your country. I think that evaluations should be done before, during and after teaching. All teachers even the best one could improve their teaching. AFTER HAVING THE EVALUATIONS IT IS IMPORTANT TO COMPILE THE RESULTS and show it to others.
Thank you dear Maria for the nicely done contribution. Lot of questions arises on this issues as you have pointed out. There is as always a negative side of matter. We agree upon necessity of evaluation.
Constructing an evaluation questionnaire if you do your evaluation as a written individual questionnaire is demanding task. The first consideration is to keep it short - one or two pages.
The instructors' evaluation is an online survey system on university's portal, where students grade lecturers on various categories (proficiency, knowledge, attitude, availability,...) based on a scale of 1-20 scores and overall of 50 questions, which only takes a few minutes to rate.
Here is how lecturers' performance is evaluated at my university:
1. Students grade lecturer's performance on an online survey a week before the finals every semester
2. Students vote for their favorite lecturer once a year
3. Top researchers based on their disciplines and academic ranks are appreciated
4. Lecturers/researchers with high academic achievements are appreciated
5. Few lecturers among thousands of lectures at the university are appreciated for their performance. Faculties and departments can appreciate their own faculty members respectively
Evaluation of teachers should be done every semester. Many universities do it by internet and the score of the exams is not given to students unless they make the teachers` evaluation.
Teacher's evaluation is very important to improve teaching, but I really don't believe in evaluations done by students because there will be many factors that effect on their evaluation, especially the grades, which isn't a good and/or the only indicator to evaluate teacher's performance. The question here" what is the best method for evaluation?".
I believe that the evaluation of teachers must be mainly by students. To factor out the questions of Jeanan, we my choose randomly some students, that their marks are good. If the evaluation goes out of the students body then we need deep thinking how to do this!
There are many dimensions of pedagogical work, it is best to use multiple measures involving multiple sources of data to evaluate the range of instructional activities like level of classroom instruction, development of course materials, grading and assessing student learning, advising and mentoring.
Evaluation of teachers can be done by assigning a peer reviewer, setting up an online student rating system by collecting midterm student feedback to provide information for improvement and by collecting end-of-term student course evaluations as they are important for a range of reasons, but they only provide useful information if a significant number of students contribute responses.
The best evaluator of a teacher in a teaching learning process has to be carried by students. There are as many evaluating options as there are teachers. In a distant time, theachers were the sole power source in the classroom. Luckly many people have been discovering that there is no fun to rule the chaos. Teachers need a feedback to plan their practice. They will feel so good offering a better teaching that all will regret not having started it earlier.
Evaluation of teachers is very essential just like any other employee of a private organization. This ensures progress in terms of human development. Teacher do transform students into the required standards for economic development of the nation. However, not only teachers have that role to transform students, parents and the society in general have their part to play.
evaluation of teachers should be done regularly especially year end or term end. This should be done by asking students themselves through questionnaire, or peer review by other coleagues. Also results assessment through performance of students, pass rates, school drop outs rates, among other relevant statistics. School ratings are also crucial as they indicate the level of effectiveness of a school among other schools.
In an elaboration on your statement Dr. Amir Causevic that " evaluations should be done before, during and after teaching." : Through my long teaching career in the university, I was evaluated by thousands of persons (students + few heads & deans). The academic is evaluated continuously but how about the administrative staff ? In some universities, their evaluation is done once a year for each one by a single person "his/her direct boss" writing a report on a single paper. The "sleepy" administrative staff have no problems & they can be promoted very easily with annual rises in salaries for the whole years of service "35 years" BUT ACADEMICS ARE NOT UNLESS THEY MEET SOME TOUGH CONDITIONS. Is this justice in universities??
An evaluation is all the more useful and effective the more appropriate are the rules by which it is conducted. An evaluation by students is helpful for teachers to better understand the needs of learning and improve the method to propose and carry out the study by the students. Sometimes the "party game" can ruin this "nice toy". Therefore, honesty, moderation and real intention to cooperate.
Usually bad students are not a good sample, since simply they do not care about courses, the ability of teachers etc. By including these students in the sample, they just destroyed the evaluation. So if you choose a sample from students that are interested in learning, then the evaluation would be more reliable. There is of course the issue touch by Ieraldi, about "party game". Concluding, to have an reliable sample, we must factor out, all components that disturb the evaluation. The main problem it is nor to have a random sample but rather to do some kind of analysis of variance.
Not only bad students but also uninterested and lazy students (how about their rate?) are unsuitable sample objects. I think that the kinds of questions and their evaluation can be areas of mistakes.
According to my opinion all students and audience could be best evaluator. I agree with András that not only bad students but also uninterested and lazy students. weakness of each student could be originated from weak teacher that not be able to do his/her duties in high quality level. So we should modify our behavior then society goes improvement.
I wrote: An evaluation by students is helpful for teachers to better understand the needs of learning and improve the method to propose and carry out the study by the students.
I also agree with Matar. In my opinion, evaluation is present in every single day of the live of a good teacher (Professor). Teaching is mainly transmission of knowledge, particularly by evaluating (understanding) the thinking and the learning of the students and be evaluated (understood) by its own thinking and transmission. I learn a lot when teaching. Is much more difficult understand sometimes the logic of less suitable thinking (or conceptual constructions) in the learning process than the logic of correct ones. Who does not remember the good teachers we had in our academic lives. Systems of teacher evaluations may be unfortunately manipulated for hiding in practice less attention to teaching activities that have frequently very little or null impact (wrongly) in promotions. The duty of a teacher is to teach. A teacher should avoid be worried with him /her or with the evaluation system, pretending just to be nice or a popular person. In my opinion, both elitism and populism are two characteristics to be avoided for a teacher.
Teacher Evaluation Guide - Using Inquiry to Analyze and Improve the Quality of Instruction for All Students. A teacher evaluation process will call for skills, habits and practices in areas such as collaborative inquiry, observation, analysis and feedback. Ensuring that the evaluation process succeeds is a team effort, requiring leadership from administrators and teachers alike.
Evaluation in each System should be bilateral. So as well as students evaluation that would be done in the end of each semester, we should prepare democratic space for all of our students for teacher evaluation in friendly environment. This action could be done through Cyberspace tools such as Email or online sites.
I may add that the administration staff within a university (including the president) ought to be subjected to a continuous evaluation by all the staff (administrative & academic) and also by the students in a proper relevant mechanism. There must be no place for persons above criticism, regulations, and evaluation. In some universities, there is a crazy situation (administrative staff holding their posts for more than 17 years!).
Could you elaborate on types of evaluations of concern here, Amir?
If we are talking about student evaluations of instructors, timing is different than with colleagues or administrators doing the evaluations. It will also depend on length of course, contact hours, etc.
The whole educative institution' staffs should be under continuous evaluation pattern , and the institution itself as a moral person. Academics could be evaluated by their peers from a local or international society of their field 'mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering, linguistic, medicine.. etc..societies', and by a random sample of their students 'including the bests and the worsts'; each of us do remember his/her best teachers and the worst ones, and may be some of us do have get less interests in some courses cause of the teacher's weakness. Administrative staff should be evaluated for the institution's performance and good politics. Top administrative staff including the president and deans should be elected among the teachers/professors for 3 or 4 years terms not cumulative. This scheme could allow a good dynamics of the educative institution, its academics and students, and its reputation and ranking among its peers.
Again, peer evaluation and feedback should be encouraged --and training taken & given. This will help avoid the adversarial approaches present in too many practicing settings.
on our faculty we encourage our students each semester to evaluate the lectures and teachers with a standardised and anonymised questionnaire. The feedback from the students is a very good basic for us to improve our teaching.
The process of teaching evaluation helps to create a culture in which teaching is greatly valued. Students play a significant role in evaluating the performance of their teachers. Therefore, end-of-course rating forms and written comments. by and large, students are able to account for the extent to which a teacher appears prepared for class sessions, communicates clearly, stimulates interest, and demonstrates enthusiasm and respect for students; research shows that student responses on these dimensions are valid and reliable
Every semester. Not very in the beginning, not very in the ending. It is important to talk to some good students individually too (if you are the coordinator). After that, with the evaluation and annotations in hands, very respectfully, help and listen the Professor. Take notes from the Teacher too. Each semester to verify the evolution of the Teacher.
Institutional evaluation of academic teachers is important to keep the quality of teaching up, but there are some problems I encountered: (1) ensure representative/random student response, otherwise some dissatisfied students might speak up while those contented just take teachers for granted, (2) if you have standardized questionnaires make sure that questions reflect the nature/specificity of all kinds of courses (or modify them accordingly), (3) process the information and communicate the results to the interested parties in a non-threatening and constructive way without comparing one teacher to another. Good luck!
In the article attached, three approaches were considered for student growth! "The question of how best to measure student test-score growth for the purpose of school and teacher evaluation has fueled lively debates nationwide. This study examines three competing approaches to measuring growth in student achievement. The first approach, which is typical of systems using the popular student growth percentile (SGP) framework, eschews all controls for differences in student backgrounds and schooling environments. The second approach, typically associated with value-added models (VAM), controls for student background characteristics and under some conditions can be used to identify the causal effects of schools and teachers on student achievement. The third approach is also VAM-based, but fully levels the playing field between schools and teachers by eliminating any association between school- and teacher-level measures of test-score growth and student characteristics."
I believe that evaluation should be start from ourselves. In fact we should try to evaluate ourselves before others start to evaluation us. This could be first point for self-evaluation that could be effect on our improvement.
The performance appraisal of teachers is part of a commitment to quality education, which should encourage both individually and collectively ongoing reflection on the possibilities for personal and professional growth of human talent responsible for leading educational institutions and lead the processes of teaching and learning.
This evaluation is an invaluable tool for improvement, from which teachers and school administrators, educational establishments can define strategies leading to the acquisition and effective development of skills required by teachers for students to access to a higher quality education.
The assessment can be annual and its application to measure the desempeñoy information on the level of achievement and results of educators, in the exercise of their responsibilities in educational institutions in which they work.
The performance evaluation is characterized as a process:
- Continuous: because it is done throughout the school year to encourage ongoing reflection on the achievements and results of educators.
- Systematic: it requires planning and organization for reliable and representative information on the performance of educators.
- Based on the evidence: since it is based on tests and practical demonstrations to ensure objectivity.
- Aimed at improving: this process should culminate each year with the concerted formulation between evaluators and evaluated, a Plan of Personal and Professional Development, to support individual development of skills of teachers.
I believe during selection for the job one can go for evaluation but as a teacher the result speaks it self. I will say rather students should evaluate them self first.
I believe during selection for the job one can go for evaluation but as a teacher the result speaks it self. I will say rather students should evaluate them self first.
I believe during selection for the job one can go for evaluation but as a teacher the result speaks it self. I will say rather students should evaluate them self first.
I believe during selection for the job one can go for evaluation but as a teacher the result speaks it self. I will say rather students should evaluate them self first.
This is my experience as a graduate student in Ontario, Canada. Student evaluations are conducted on the last day of the course and are not administered by the professor. The academic department issues the evaluation forms and a student distributes and collects them. The instructor does not select the student or handle the forms in any way, and the instructor is not present in the room while the evaluations are being completed. The emphasis seems to be on removing the instructor from the process. The evaluations are 50% about the performance of the teacher and the other 50% covers different aspects of the course, outcomes, material, topics, relevance to academic programme, teaching-equipment...
I am not sure how the university evaluates the instructors.
Also, if you have a moment, I would appreciate your participation in my graduate survey study about ethics/intentions and behaviour in the workplace. The following link will take you to the questionnaire which takes about 3-4 minutes:
Dear Amir, 1. Evaluation of school teachers can be done by how the individuals educated by him/her behave in the society. Evaluation of graduate and postgraduate teachers can be done by how the individuals fare in their academic profession.
2. Evaluation of teachers if done at the end of the year or semester will not reveal correct picture. It has to be done on the students' performance at later in life as adults.
Recruit teachers only if they have interest in teaching. Teaching is a noble profession.
Serbia - Systems Approach for Better Education Results (SABER) : teachers - country report : SABER teachers country report : Serbia 2013 - overview
"Research suggests that teacher quality is the main school-based predictor of student achievement and that several consecutive years of outstanding teaching can offset the learning deficits of disadvantaged students. However, it is not yet clear exactly which teacher policies can raise teacher effectiveness thus, devising effective policies to improve teaching quality remains a challenge. A new tool, Systems Approach for Better Education Results (SABER)-teachers, fills this gap by collecting, analyzing, synthesizing, and disseminating comprehensive information on teacher policies in primary and secondary education across a range of different education systems..."
evaluation of teacher can be done with the expert one in the same filed of teaching and it will be done in the first age of the teacher's Professional life.
It can be done by giving the teacher a test on his area of specialization so that you would be sure that the teacher knows what he is doing and won't go teaching the students the wrong thing
“I agree with Viktor Frankl that a sense of life meaning ensues but cannot be deliberately pursued: life meaning is always a derivative phenomenon that materializes when we have transcended ourselves, when we have forgotten ourselves and become absorbed in someone (or something) outside ourselves.”
― Irvin D. Yalom, The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy