14 Questions 533 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mahamad Nabab Alam
Dear All, The term Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being so popular that almost everywhere we can hear something about it. Interestingly, there are several items and applications based on the AI...
12 October 2020 1,886 41 View
Dear All, Please, let us know how much money do you to conduct the search work from our funding agencies. We know that various university provides a very diverse amount as the salary to the...
25 December 2018 606 6 View
How a person can enhance his/her IQ? What are the best way to measure IQ? Kindly, share your own experience if you are among the one who have such an experience. With regards,
17 February 2018 3,783 27 View
What are the scope of quality research for an Electrical Engineering background scholar? Can you let me know some potential area of the research? Is there any sound Mathematical modelling for...
07 October 2017 853 13 View
I am interested to know the latest trends adopted for distribution system protection. I would be very thankful to you for answering the following questions; 1) What are the modern trends used in...
15 July 2017 1,197 4 View
I am trying to calculate fault currents of IEEE 33-bus system using Zbus matrix approach. Without considering loads I am getting good results of fault currents in each branch by applying faults on...
01 August 2016 9,632 7 View
Metaheuristics are normally working good but I am looking for some deterministic algorithms.
22 January 2016 8,265 16 View
Answer should be based on protection point of view.
09 December 2015 1,545 7 View
When primary terminal of a transformer is excited by a sinusoidal wave, then it results in a sinusoidal waveform of the same frequency with either stepped up or stepped down the voltage at its...
07 December 2015 1,424 14 View
Kindly, provide some references for the same.
30 November 2015 6,588 7 View
I will be very thankful to all who can make availability possible for the following: 1) unbalanced 3-phase load flow data for meshed network (transmission) 2) unbalanced 3-phase load flow data...
29 October 2015 7,887 11 View
There are two formulas for calculating the COE as follows: 1) COE= (Total cost of generation of energy for one year ($))/ (Total energy generated in one year (kWh)) 2)COE= (Total cost of...
20 September 2015 3,823 13 View
As per my current knowledge: 1. Lightning is a flash of light created by electric discharge between clouds or between cloud and the ground or any object on the ground. 2. Most of the lighting are...
11 August 2015 3,029 5 View
IEEE 33 bus system is having 5 tie switches and thus there are 5 independent loops. For getting a radial network one must have to remove 5 lines and thus there are many possible networks. I just...
22 July 2015 8,165 1 View