
I am working with a SWAT model to evaluate variations in water balance components.

I calibrated my swat model with hydrological parameters results from swat-cup (sufi-2). Now, NSE and R2 >0.7 in calibration and validation series with observed flow_out (m3/s), etc. etc.

I need to incorporate climate change data in swat. We have prepared the average of many GCMs with regionalization technique used in Spain, and after I have modified these future series to the file format required by SWAT (.txt).

My question is: in ArcSWAT 2012.10.2.18, in “Write input tables/ Weather data definition”:

-Do I only have to select my future precipitation and temperature series?????

-Is it necessary to remove my previous precipitation and temperature series (1980-2016 daily)????? (I add image).



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