09 September 2014 7 827 Report

The Ebola Virus Infection epidemic seems out of control and has evolved into a major humanitarian crisis that has finally mobilized the world, with responses ranging from an emergency health mission launched by the United Nations Security Council to proposed military-style interventions and the global provision of emergency aid. There is a very real danger of a complete breakdown in civic society, as desperate communities understandably lose faith in the established systems. This epidemic was an avoidable crisis and a prompt response to an emerging outbreak is critical in order to contain it before it becomes too vast in terms of both numbers of cases and geographic reach. The epidemic, which is in grave danger of spiraling out of control, must remain the primary focus of our efforts. Without a massive increase in the response, way beyond what is being planned in scale and urgency, alongside the complementary deployment of novel interventions, it will prove impossible to bring this epidemic under control. A large-scale, coordinated humanitarian, social, public health, and medical response, combining classic public health measures with safe and effective interventions including behavioral changes, therapies, and when possible, vaccination is need of the hour. What needs to be done on a "war-footing" and act more effectively to prevent this epidemic from devastating the Global Economy?

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