I know that there is a possibility to use what is called ILES (Implicit Large Eddy Simulation in COMSOL Multiphysics. Unlike the Large Eddy Simulation (LES), ILES is neither explicit filtering nor explicit subgrid model : small-scale fluctuations are damped by the numerical diffusion, which acts both as an implicit filter and an implicit built-in subgrid model for a given grid. As the grid is refined, the simulation converges to a DNS.
LES is not a model but a totally different formulation...
You can try to set the code using a 3D model and a high order FV-based upwind reconstruction for the convective terms, if available. This is the ILES previously recommended. No turbulence model must be supplied, you should work as it were laminar conditions.
However, be careful that you need to solve the BL over the wall, that requires a weel refined grid close to all the walls.
You will have to wait that the solution develop a statistically energy equilibrium, then you have to continue the simulation for several time-unit and save the evolution of the fields to do a post-processing of the statistics. Depending on the Reynolds number and computational power, that could be quite long, also some weeks.
Thanks for all your answers. Is it possible please for more describe to this problem because I am new in this field? Could you helo me please in video and COMSOL files to explaine how to do LES? Thanks and Best wish.