Hello everyone,
I am trying to record calcium currents from my HEK cells.
Problem is that I don´t have much experience with series resistance compensation that is needed for such large currents.
I am using a Multiclamp 700B and using Multiclamp commander settings to adjust. You can check in the screenshot (Fig 1) I attach one example of a cell where I tried (unsuccesfully) to compensate Rs. Can you identify something I am doing wrong in the Commander settings?
I also attached another image showing how Ca currents appeared in this same cell after such compensation. Currents are obviously not right, as they are very slow and look strange (Fig 2, voltage-step from -80 to 10 mV, 400 ms).
I want to note that in my coverslips, cells are normally forming clumps together, so I normally do not have isolated cells to patch. So space-clamp might be also part of a problem here..
I appreciate your help!
Best regards,
Diego Fernández