Does anyone have experience with the table2asn tool of NCBI? It is used for submitting annotations of genomes using GFF files.

It can be found at this location:

I am having a problem with it.

1) The windows tool I get running, but it gives me an error. The command used is the following: table2asn -M n -J -c w -t template.sbt -a r10k -l paired-ends -i FinalContigs.fsa -f 2700988623.gff -o output_file.sqn -Z output_file.dr -locus-tag-prefix xxxxx

template.sbt is a file generated by NCBI

FinalContigs.fsa is a file containing all the different contigs of the draft genome. The first contig is named Contig001, seconf contig is Contig002, and so on.

2700988623.gffis the file containing the annotation. Column 1 gives the contigs where the CDS and RNA are found in, so Contig001, Contig002, etc.

After running the command (as told by NCBI), I get the following error:

Cannot resolve lcl|Contig002: unknown

Line: 0

So if anyone could assist me with getting the tool running in Windows, that would be very much appreciated as it is the final step of submitting my genome.

Thanks in advance!

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