Hi guys, 

I'm doing my undergraduate research project on the bactericidal and fungicidal properties of essential oil of Thyme and Clove. 

I have run into some issues with the 96-well plate microdilution method for the determination of minimum inhibitory concentration of the oils and I was hoping someone could shed me some light on what I might be doing wrong. 

I've attached an excel file with the plate readings. 

I prepared the plate by adding 50ug of Mueller Hinton broth and 50ug of S. Aureus with turbidity adjusted to McFarland Standard. (Row B to E, Row A contains only the Thyme Oil)

I started with 100 ug of thyme oil in row A - 1 to 9, and, pipetted 50ug into row B - 1 to 9, and continued this dilution to through row E.  

I was expecting the readings to increase as I go from row B to E because the more diluted the oil is in the lower rows e.g row E, the more the bacteria would grow thus giving off higher reading. However, this was not the case, almost all of the readings were higher in row B (where the oil concentration was higher) than in row E and I have no idea as to why this is happening. 

I few observations

I didn't dilute the thyme oil, however, the readings for the thyme oil itself, as observed in row A, doesn't seem to be what's trowing off the rest of the readings. The oil has a yellowish color. 

The readings for the controls, as you can see in the attached excel file don't seem to be off either, so I really don't understand why the readings for the micro dilution (Row B to E) are so off. 



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