It seems this query refers to what is known as an Organizational Development Specialist. Organizational Development Specialists teach at university, work as consultants, and are on the payroll of many companies. Here is a typical job summary and related set of responsibilities:
Job Summary
Responsible for developing and implementing programs that align the workforce with key business strategies and initiatives.
Primary Responsibilities
Create and implement programs at work that connect employees with business goals.
Consult with management and other leadership to identify business processes.
Identify and evaluate business initiatives to ascertain appropriate programs that meet company goals.
Develop methods for data file formatting, data analysis methodologies, and management reporting.
Create effective strategic planning methods.
Identify data collection tools, data sources, benchmarks, and performance targets.
Help employees create project timelines and deadlines.
Implement major changes in all aspects of operation.
Talk with management to identify specific work situations requiring employees to better understand changes in policies, procedures, regulations, and technologies.
Develop methods of measuring if performance management aligns with organizational goals.
Resolve conflict within groups.
Diagnose potential organizational problem areas.
Recommend training and development systems.
Create definitions of desired individual or group performance.