Time domain measures are universal (see link attached)
Put any data and you will see something.
You may expect pronounced RSA.
However concerning frequency domain I have some methodological doubts. The standards are for humans. The HF range is centered on the respiratory frequency 0.3 Hz. The LF range is centered on the Mayer wave frequency: 0.1 Hz. The border between them is a compromise: low frequency modulation of the respiration will fall into LF (or lower) anyway.
1. What is respiratory frequency in dogs of the breed you use?
2. What is the Mayer wave frequency? In rats it is 0.4 Hz instead of 0.1 Hz in humans.
Once I've heard that in dogs it is approximately the same as in humans.
In order to use it safely you would need a good reference for that; unfortunately I don't have any, but concerning the human frequency band definition: caveat emptor.
Article Short-term heart rate variability (HRV) in healthy dogs