I have tried several times to detect the actin (by Santa Cruz Biotechnology) after total proteins extraction from adipose derived stem cells (ASCs), but, every time, I obtained the burning of the film. I don't know why. Does you have any advice?
beta-actin is highly abundant. Maybe you are over-loading your gel, or not diluting your antibody sufficiently. Not sure which SCBT antibody you're using, but I would recommend the C4 monoclonal for blotting.
I had a similar problem with patient tumor lysates. The actin I had been using from Cell Signaling (always with great results) was giving me a hit and miss signal. Some patient lysates just wouldn't show up. I tried an actin ab from Santa Cruz and then I had a full signal for the very same lysates. I'm assuming there were just differential binding. Try another antibody clone.