The attached pictures show one of the isolates of fungal strains from Fish gills that were maybe one of the causes of fish deaths in Iraq , so I appreciated very much if you kindly help me for identification . Thank you.
لصور اللى موجودة مش كفاية للتعريف الدقيق لان الخلايا المتولدة للجراثيم مش واضحة و دى مهمة فى تعريف الأنواع دى بالإضافة الى شكل الحامل الكونيدى مش مكتمل و طوله و شكله برضه مهم بشكل تخمينى هو أقرب لفطر Gliomastix murorum و لكن ده مش تعريف دقيق
Not my area of mycology, but the hyphae do not look as if they are septate, and have the 'feel' of what used to be called 'oomycetes' - a group that contains a lot of fish pathogens - Saprolegniales etc.
Sorry that is the best I can do - my basic mycology is 60 years out of date
You must provide us with some picures showing conidiogenus cells and conidia in addition to colony shape and some morphological features in order to help us for identification.
What type of medium are you using? There are many medium that you can culture fungus and eliminate some species. It is a manual labor and requires a little patience if is a slow growing fungus. If you want to go straight to the point and even think that this belongs to oomycetes group, you can also perform molecular identification.