I have 4 fastq files. From some earlier post I tried to analysethrough Galaxy sever.

I used "fastp", "clip adapter" and also "trimomatic" separately three different times to trim adapter.

As I have paired end data, I then joined the output of R1 and R2 using "FASTQjoiner" , "fastqjoin" , and "fastqinterlacer" separately three different times.

Then I aligned using Bowtie2 (against all three time) and compared using "EdgeR" and "Deseq2" separately from three different output.

I also annotate after I got differential expression both time using mice genome .gff file.

But I am not able to get a excel file having Gene name and Q-value. I am getting html with tabular result having gene ID, log2fold change, p value, st error etc. but NO Q value and gene name.

Also when I am trying to make heat map using ggplot or heatmap2 it is showing weird plot.

Can anyone tell me if I am doing wrong in work flow, and whether for that the gene ID and heat map problem is occuring.

Thanks in advance!!



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