It is well known to everyone that Social Work as a profession has wide career options, being therefore present in a wide range of areas of action, such as social services, education, justice, health, third sector, dependency among many others.

However, we are faced with a global problem, COVID-19, and the "Social Health Work" has begun to ring louder, for obvious reasons.

Before this tragic situation that we are living, social health work was not so recognized or identified by society, neverthless, in the current times, this has taken a turn. We can speak of the emergence of this area that until then was "hidden" in a certain way.

Is social health work a new area that has emerged from this situation? Or did it already exist? Or perhaps what has emerged have been new areas of action? That being said, do you think so? Or, by contrast, do you consider that this area was already recognized before the situation we are currently experiencing? Opinions in networks are diverse.

This is the most talked about topic in networks at present, but there are many other areas that in my humble opinion have gained more importance during this pandemic and that were not previously taken into account.

Actually, that's an issue to be considered by people who are not related to Social Work. People involved in this and the students in this university career are aware that all areas of social work are important. At all times they are in operation, relentlessly. It is a pity that the effort of this profesion is just recognised when a global pandemic exists.

Finally, I leave you some questions that which make us wonder, Has this state of global pandemic been an opportunity to recognize the work done by social work professionals in general, not just in this health field?

How do you feel about the current state?

Best Regards

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