Hi all,

I am working on detecting RAS mutation in thyroid cancer on Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded (FFPE) samples. I chose High resolution melting analysis since it was a cost-effective, rapid and high sensitivity test. I performed a touchdown PCR with Tm gradient from 50 to 65oC to determine the best annealing Tm. After determining the best Tm, I ran HRM for some of my samples, I also added WT and mutant control for reference.

Some of my FFPE samples showed late amplification (Cq value > 35). As a result of this, on HRM analysis the difference curve showed unreliable, various and aberrant plots. I thought about nested PCR to amplify the template content. So I decided to run conventional PCR 35cycles first and then use those PCR products as template for the nested HRM (I use the same primers for both PCR, both tested on gel to exclude dimers or nonspecific reaction). However, amplification showed weird negative curves. I think about excessive template as a possible cause.

I hope I can receive some answers and solutions.

Thank you very much for your kind response

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