Thanks- I have seen this website before and none of the caves/dolines etc I have been to have been published it seems - some references to some of these caves etc online. I am just a novice in spelunking, and have a bit of experience with speleogy (as in examining caves for stalagmites) in this region.. However, I do not have equipment/team at this point, and would like to learn from others about the places they have explored in the Mixteca Alta region (thanks for pointing this out- I have changed the original question accordingly) to organize all of this information into a website. What I mean when I say information from others- a description of fhe doline for example- to discern if it was collapse or solution doline. Have a general geological map of the region as well.
I'd suggest to contact Juan Pablo Bernal (Centro de Geociencias UNAM) or Laura Rosales-Lagarde (University of Nevada Las Vegas). You can google them very easily. They are experienced Mexican speleologists and scholars.