I am working on a paper and require applications of the theory of planned behaviour, specifically those used in organizational settings or Human Resource Management contexts.
1. Cedric E. Dawkins, John W. Frass, (2005) "Decision of union workers to participate in employee involvement: an application of the theory of planned behaviour", Employee Relations, Vol. 27 Iss: 5, pp.511 - 531
2. Van Hooft et al (2004) Job search and the theory of planned behavior: Minority–majority group differences in The Netherlands, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 65 (3), pp. 366–390.
3. Emma Parry, Hugh Wilson, (2009) "Factors influencing the adoption of online recruitment", Personnel Review, Vol. 38 Iss: 6, pp.655 - 673
Schreurs, B., Derous, E., van Hooft, E. A. J., Proost, K., & de Witte, K. (2009). Predicting Applicants’ Job Pursuit Behavior from their Selection Expectations: The Mediating Role of the Theory of Planned Behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 30, 761–783.
Van Breukelen, W., van der Vlist, R., & Steensma, H. (2004). Voluntary Employee Turnover: Combining Variables from the “Traditional” Turnover Literature with the Theory of Planned Behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25(7), 893–914.
There are another theory called Social Cognitive Theory (SCT). Its argue that there are environmental factors control the human intentions when they are planing to make a decision.
Marler, Janet, Fisher, Sandra, and Weiling Ke (2009). Employee Self-Service Technology Acceptance: A Comparison of Pre-adoption and Post-adoption Relationships. Personnel Psychology, 62(2):327-348.
Marler, Janet and Dulebohn, James.(2005). A Model of Employee Self-Service Technology Use. Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, 24:139-182.
Prestholdt, P. H., Lane, I. M., and Mathews, R. C. (1987). Nurse Turnover as Reasoned Action: Development of a Process Model. Journal of Applied Psychology, 22, 221-227.
As it happens, I worked on this study in a small way. I was an undergraduate research assistant when the data were collected. Perry Prestholdt was my favorite professor at Louisiana State University -- a truly great person!