Hello everyone, I'm having some problems with the antibiogram of some Haemophilus influenzae detected from sputum samples in children with Cystic Fibrosis. I know that Eritromicin resistence is quite common, but I'm finding a lot of undefined halo around amoxicili/clavulanate and cefotaxime antibiotic disk. I've tryed to perform it on MH-F as Eucast guide line says and also on PVX (cooked blood agar) but the results remains the same: it looks like the Haemophilus is resistant, or not completely sensible to these drugs. Sometimes I can see a sort of dopple halo, like if the strain had double phenotype. And I'm sure it is pure culture (it has been isolated carefully).
Do you have any informations about Haemophilus influenzae (not b type, so not invasive) resistance pattern? Is it common/possible to find amoxicillin/clavulanate resistance?
What kind of test do you use to perform antibiogram on this bacteria?
Thank you in advance for any useful answers.