Does anyone have any experience with glass bottom microplates (96-well)?
They will be highly beneficial for me for the cell based assay that I am working on but they are extremely expensive and I was wondering if they can be cleaned and re-used?
I knew it had to be possible but couldn't find any protocols for reusing coated glass. As I intend to coat with poly d lysine. Thank you for your protocol!
I am not sure they can go through a sterilization cycle, since they use glue to stick the glass bottom to the plastic well part. Let me know if you manage!
If all heat sterilisation fails, I'm sure rinsing the plate in 70% ethanol (allowing to dry) and rinsing wells with MilliQ water will probably do the trick. (I am fortunate enough to have UV light in hood as well) but I have a few more methods to exhaust before trying these plates as it is a lot of effort in comparison to disposable plates.