I am isolating genomic DNA from filamentous fungi samples. But most of the times, I have got much smear on the products (photo attached: lanes with same letter is same sample, number 1: 300mg/each, number 2: 150mg/each).
Here is my protocol:
1. Grind in a mortar with liquid N2.
2. Add 800 ul lysis buffer + 50 ul proteinase K (2mg/ul): incubate 56oC, 1h.
3. Add 50 ul RNase, incubate: 37oC, 1h.
4. Cleaning protein by phenol : chloroform : isoamylalcohol (25: 24: 1) + vortex.
5. Precipitate DNA by isopropanol: -20oC, 1h.
6. Wash by EtOH 75%.
7. Dilute DNA by H2Odd.
Please let me know:
1. How to avoid smear on DNA production?
2. Could these DNA products be use for Southern blot?