I started with "John in the fast lane" back in 90s (Intro to Management, setting goals and objectives), used extensively the Beer Game (late 90s to mid 00s, master level/learning organization), used various role-plays borrowing from psychodrama, soft-skills training, etc. Prof. Bankova developed a lot of games for management training all her assistants still use in the last 20 years. Bankova's first paper on gamification (business games) is from 1981 and her first paper published outside BG (in UK actually) was in 1988. So, various games could be used - from group decision making in critical situations, strategies, etc. I used to ask students to write essays on what management skills they mastered while playing their favorite game and so on. Lately I decided to use game development as a teaching instrument. It is still difficult as many students don't believe they can do it or I haven't convinced them on the benefits, but I strongly believe in gamification. Too bad I did not document games' usage in my class so far :-) Yet, I still have some protocols of the Beer Game, as I was asking students to model their strategies and decision making models through system dynamics. Some of them were really great modelers.