As the movie "Interstellar" pointed out, people will oneday be able to build things they can't build now. Let's scientifically explore a few of those things. (Thanks go to Penny from TV's "Big Bang Theory" for inspiring Interstellar-related thoughts!)

At the start of the 20th century, physicist Max Planck assumed that electromagnetic radiation can only be emitted or absorbed in discrete packets, called quanta. He thought of his discovery as nothing more than a math device ... a kind of trickery. Albert Einstein developed his explanation of the photoelectric effect from this “mathematical convenience”. So it appears entirely possible that another supposed mathematical trickery (Wick rotation) will find practical application in the future.

Imagine the universe actually is a holographic projection or a computer simulation where every fermion and boson is linked by the AI-generating BITS (binary digits) of 1 and 0. What happens to formal mathematical definitions when every fermion and boson is linked? The linkage means everything throughout time and space can be regarded as one particle. This is reminiscent of John Wheeler's and Richard Feynman's speculation that the entire universe consists of just one electron, zigzagging through time. If the universe can be regarded as one particle, how can one thing be added to another thing? Then 1+1=2 cannot be true in an absolute or quantum-gravity sense. 1+1=2 would only be true in the human frame of reference (it would also be true in the technology and mathematics which the human frame of reference developed).

1+1 would equal 2 if human technology from the 21st century used general relativity's curvature of time - made circular by Wick rotation and Warping spacetime - to create the universe. But I look around and see that our tech/maths is not advanced enough yet. In forwards time travel, the waves composing mass in the x-axis and y-axis rotate in the counter-clockwise direction. Compare Wick rotation to a DVD that has no end. The future destination is reached by a computer using tensor calculus to change the present coordinates in the Cosmic DVD to ones in the future. To use a simple example confined to two dimensions: -1,+ i becomes +1, -i. This is interdimensional travel since it incorporates both the time and space elements of the time-space unity i.e. Wick rotation residing in the Mobius strips and figure-8 Klein bottles * composing space and mass. Backwards travel in time is identical to forward trips except for the coordinates being different and belonging to points in the past.

* 1-dimensional BITS encode two-dimensional (2D) Mobius bands instead of the untwisted Strings of String Theory or Loop Quantum Gravity (also, binary digits may be thought of as strings of 1’s and 0’s). A Mobius band, with its undulations and single surface, must be travelled around twice to reach the starting point. This raises the possibility that billions or trillions of Mobius strips compose every particle of matter since such particles must be turned 720 degrees (completely rotated twice) to look the same. If photons and gravitons share EDM with neutrons, it’s reasonable to conclude the symmetry means photons and gravitons are also composed of Mobius loops. Electromagnetism and gravitation aren’t identical, so a photon might be simply constructed from billions of Mobius bands while a more complex graviton might be based on a pair of Mobius strips uniting into a figure-8 Klein bottle which is immersed in the 3rd dimension.

Billions, or more, of these “Mobius Doublets” form a graviton. Photon-graviton momentum and interaction would not only produce a matter particle’s, and black hole's, quantum spin but a pressure that’s equivalent to what we call mass or solidity. Any particle’s mass, including the Higgs boson’s or that of the bosons belonging to the nuclear forces, would be created this way. Possessing an electric dipole moment, every massive or force-carrying particle would have both positive and negative charge – capable of cancelling to produce neutrality. The imaginary numbers - essential to quantum physics - in Wick rotation would combine with Wick's real numbers to produce time, and rotation of gravitational and electromagnetic waves would be energy forming mass on the x-axis plus dark energy forming dark matter on the y-axis.

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