The organizational models are like bureaucratic political and symbolic models. Each one has its own aspects and attributes organizing the university and academic institution in different ways.
Mr. Ahmad Al-Omari, nevertheless that the accademic communitiies worlld-wide have significant freedom for the organization of the academic educational and research processes, however these institutions provided diploms for Higher Education.
Therefore all the activities of such Institutions public and/or private ones are under the labour-laws for corresponding Countries, where these organizations (Institutions) are regiistered and accreditate.
In this respect the term 'organization model' is signiificantly llimited within the frame of the laws as organization and functionalization.
As you have rather properly mentioned "Each one has its own aspects and attributes organizing the university and academic institution in different ways." To answer the question why is that, we have to consider many different aspects: geographical, historical, subjective, etc. Many countries require legislation of diplomas emitted abroad- Is it fair? Probably not, but we have to stick with the local lows everywhere...
Around forty years ago Talcott Parsons & Gerald M. Platt in their book "The American University," describes what they argue is the "core social structure in an university, which they state is a "stratified collegial association." A structure where every member have rights and responsibilities according to their intellectual knowledge, contribution to the structure and academic level the HE institution. The key supporting actor of this structure is "collegiality." I think we will immediately recognise all the strata in our own HE. In my experience this structure still exist but the variances depend on, what Svetlozar Velizarov state, own different aspects and attributes. It is very hard to label or pinpoint a certain organisational model but it challenging to try it.
The Indian university adopts the poisoned and paralysis organisational model. The organisations are created by defective thinkings and politics and ruled by politically affiliated vice chancellor, role discrimations and favouritism in the entire university of the India. it may state government sponsored or central government sponsored university. the private universities are only profit oriented, operated by some greedy entrepreneurs or may be capitalist. Indian universities never promote the merits, but in the name of democracy, it only promotes nepotisms, creates an atmosphere of hurdle creation and discrimination. Inertia for remain as it is, inertia in staying as local, inertia for critical character development are central behavioural syptoms and environment dominates entire universities in India.
From the culture, environment, climate persepective, the indian universities look like a reversely moving wheel of development for the country. Therefore, though the india has a long history of university culture it could not occupy the space of glory in the globe. Therefore, organisational pattern in the universities of India are nothing but of paralysis organisation model; backmoving organisational model where only look toward past traditions but do not move with a forward missions or can be termed as the poisioned bureaucratic model of organisation.