This is a question that I also placed at
but that I placed here also for more visibility.
Fractional models are they physically consistent?
Let consider a very simple fractional model described by the transfer function H(s) = 1/s^n. You can stay looking at the Laplace representation of such a system, or you can try look at this model from a different perspective.
1 – You can compute its impulse response using the Cauchy’s method involving a Bromwich-Wagner path and thus you obtain an integral whose Laplace transform is :
H(s)=int(x^(-n)/(s+x)dx) with x in [0, infinity]
See for instance [1][2][3].
2 – You can also split integral H(s) into two parts to obtain a diffusive representation [4] [5] and then, using spatial Fourier transform on this diffusive representation you get a diffusion equation with a distributed sensor, defined on an infinite spatial domain. (See [2] and [3] for computation details).
In the case 1) the model exhibits infinitely small and infinitely large time constant. Is it physically consistent to use a model with infinitely fast dynamics ? Also the infinitely large time constants are at the origin of the long memory and more exactly of the infinite memory. Is it physically consistent for a model to have an infinite memory?
In the case 2), the model definition on an infinite space domain is questionable. Is it physically consistent for a model to be define on this kind of space domain? Note that infinite domain generates the infinite memory previously highlighted.
This questioning on physical consistency is not limited to fractional integrator case but can be extended, with the same analysis tools to fractional partial or not differential equations [6], pseudo state space descriptions [7], …..
This is in my opinions the reasons that justify that it is impossible to gives a physical interpretation of fractional differentiation and fractional model, unless considering non-physical assumptions (infinite space). Otherwise, how to justify an infinite memory or infinitely fast time constants.
The kernel singularity is not the only problem that can be solved by the introduction of new kernel to produce fractional behaviours. As shown in [3] [8], Many other kernel exit, that also solve the singularity problem, by that also solve the consistency problem evocated here.
[1] - Sabatier J., Merveillaut M., Malti R., Oustaloup A. (2008), On a Representation of Fractional Order Systems: Interests for the Initial Condition Problem, 3rd IFAC Workshop on "Fractional Differentiation and its Applications" (FDA'08), Ankara, Turkey, November 5-7.
[2] - Sabatier J., Merveillaut M., Malti R., Oustaloup A. (2010), How to Impose Physically Coherent Initial Conditions to a Fractional System? Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol 15, No. 5.
[3] J. SABATIER - Non-singular kernels for modelling power law type long memory behaviours and beyond,Cybernetics and Systems, pp. 1-19, doi:10.1080/01969722.2020.1758470.
[4] - Matignon, D. Stability properties for generalized fractional differential systems. ESAIM Proc. 1998, 5, 145–158.
[5] - Montseny, G. Diffusive representation of pseudo‐differential time‐operators. ESAIM Proc. 1998, 5, 159–175.
[6] - Sabatier J., Farges C. (2018), Comments on the description and initialization of fractional partial differential equations using Riemann-Liouville's and Caputo's definitions, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 339, pp 30-39.
[7] - J. SABATIER, Fractional state space description: a particular case of the Volterra equation, Fractal and Fractional, Vol. 4, N° 23, doi:10.3390/fractalfract4020023
[8] - J. SABATIER, Introduction of new kernels and new models to solve the drawbacks of fractional integration/differentiation operators and classical fractional order models