Nowadays, we are using fractional derivatives to solve a wide variety of real-world problems. But when we look at the theory that deals with the criticism of fractional derivatives, it can be confusing (especially for me) to decide which derivative we should use to simulate our problems. If we look at the cases of some famous fractional derivatives like Caputo, Caputo-Fabrizio (CF), and Atangana-Baleanu (AB), these are enough to give you a sufficient amount of confusion.
In the list of recent works, Prof. Sabatier and Farges in ref. 10.3934/math.2021657 have justified that the Caputo and RL derivatives are not able to ensure a proper initialization when used in a model definition. In ref., the authors have shown that CF and AB derivatives are not suitable to simulate the models with real data. Also, Dr. Angstmann et al. in have proved the intrinsic discontinuities in the solutions of evolution equations of CF and AB type derivatives. Some other analysis in this field is given by Prof. Sabatier in ref. Also, some true and false results on fractional derivatives are given in ref. Fractional Integrals and Derivatives: “True” versus “False” - Google Books. Prof. Tarasov in his study has suggested that the CF derivative cannot be considered a non-integer order derivative. Also, Prof. Diethelm with the team has announced that fractional derivatives with non-singular kernels should not be used ref Many other studies are also present in this regard.
Now, my question is:
If we want to solve a mathematical model, especially an epidemiological model, then knowing the above discussion, which derivative should we use?
I am looking for answers with supporting arguments.