Water Source Protection focusing on Drinking Water Security ---

The source water challenge is perhaps the most pressing issue, specially with regard to ensuring safe drinking water security. The most confounding source water challenge is presently in our traditional surface water sources and it is the result of rampant wastewater discharges / riverbank dumping of solid wastes and uncontrolled agricultural run-off.

In our state, the wastewater (mostly untreated) is eventually led to the water bodies like rivers / wetlands etc. Also, the wastewater drainage networks get washed away due to regional flooding, thereby making the water bodies vulnerable. Apart from that solid wastes disposal sites in the bank of water bodies, pose a threat to the water sources either by wastes being washed away to the water sources or its’ leachate being mixed up with water sources, in due course of time.

Furthermore, the nutrient runoff from agricultural activities is eventually led to the rivers / wetlands and this also appears to be a threat concern, in present days, due to large scale dependence chemical fertilizers both as manure or as pest control purpose. Apart from that, other nonpoint source pollution includes storm water drainage etc. Thus a wide spectrum of chemicals, pathogens and other oxygen depleting substances etc. led to degradation of our water sources.

Another challenge is the stress out of climate change, causing extensive depletion of dry weather flow in the river. Such situation calls for the appropriate placement of Intake point for the Water Treatment Plant, which might sometimes, even need adequate channelization during the lean

There are many Piped Water Supply Scheme (PWSS) to facilitate Safe Drinking Water, which are totally based on Riverine sources. But the challenges arising out of different sorts of contaminations pose threat concern towards functionality of such water supply schemes. Hence, necessary efforts should be initiated to keep the Rivers more lively and protected, with an aim on sustainability of PWSS.

In the above back cloth, what might be the considerations for all technical factors, as perhaps necessary, to decide on a smart approach for addressing water woes in our eco-system?

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