Most journals and publishing houses offers open-access options for an APC-fee while only some journals offers subscription-based publication options. Open-access will provide larger freedom, sharing opportunities and readership. Therefore, the question is not which one is preferrable but rather if you can afford to publish open-access or not. Some institutions and research-funding providers require open-access publishing as a condition for the reseach being conducted, giving you no alternative.
Open access only offers more readership if the journal is actually read and cited, so a low impact factor matters a lot. If you are considering a low impact journal with a high APC, I would definitely look elsewhere.
"A stubborn prejudice persists that open access journals are somehow inferior when it comes to journal publications. This view is not supported by the facts. Open access journals also use the peer review process, and some journals have a Journal Impact Factor." Neda Ravankhah
Publishing houses that only publish open-access require high APC-fees, this encourages (but not ensures) sloppy reviewing as the publishing houses are incentivized to publish as much as they can, regardless of quality. This has led to the issue of blacklisting publishing houses based on poor reviewing-quality and disingenuous tactics. Therefore, calling it 'a stubborn prejudice' and 'not supported by facts' is not correct, as it is actually supported by numerous scandals and observable facts. However, it is not only black and white, some publication houses tread a very fine line, making some of their journals of acceptable quality while others are not. Ignoring this consideration is itself disingenuous.
Cemil Keski̇noğlu Rather than just hoping that an open access journal will generate more citations, I recommend doing the background research that is necessary to determine how often a journal is cited, through either Clarivate Journal Citation Reports or Scopus Citation Analysis.
Also, reputable journals report this information on their website, so I would be careful with any journal that does not give its "metrics."
Depende del tipo de impacto que busques; en acceso abierto podrás tener más publico y en revistas especializadas menos lectores pero de otro nivel de conocimientos. Además, debes considerar el valor curricular que para ti represente tu artículo.
To publish a paper in the most easily seen or most needed journal, OA is good, but it is more important to pay attention to whether it is a hardcore journal, which is more important than IF.