I"m using a Nikon A1R multiphoton system to image GFP-labeled cells below the brain surface, such as in cortical layer II/III (100+ µm deep). The system indicates the power output at a given wavelength (i.e. ~1700 mW for 920 nm, or something similar), which I presume is the amount of power delivered to the surface at 100% intensity. Most of the literature I've found suggests the laser power at the sample should be kept below ~50-75 mW to prevent bleaching or phototoxicity, which is a simple intensity adjustment at the surface since scattering is presumably minimal. By ~100 µm deep however, I find I require substantial increases in intensity to see my cells, usually 4-6 times higher than at the surface.
Is there any way to figure out how much power is actually reaching this deeper tissue?