Hello everybody,

we're thinking about purchasing a new fluorescence spectrometer and I'd like to have more info, preferably from the first hand users, before making the final decision.

What we need is a high sensitivity and high resolution spectrometer with microplate assay capability. What we measure are, for example, series of pyrene solutions at nM concetrations and we need to be able to separete the individual peaks which are just a few nm apart from each other. We tried this measurement on a dedicated microplate reader (Perkin Elmer Ensight) but it wasn't able to resolve the peaks (not speakign about sensitivity), so we look for a spectrometer with a microplate reader as an accesory.

What I came across so far are:

1) Horiba Fluoromax/Fluorolog + MicroMax 384 Microwell-Plate Reader

2) Jasco FP-8500 + microplate reader accesory

3) Perkin Elmer FL 8500 + microplate reader accesory

The thing is that Horiba (especially Fluorolog) can be turned into a beast, I had a good experience with it back in the university but I don't like much the MicroMax reader - I don't like the fibers and I find a manual online that is dated back to 2001. I understand that if it works, there's no need to change, but still, 20 years is a lot...

Jasco look great, the parameters of the machine are ok and the microplate reader seems to be designed quite well. Unfortunatelly I have no experience with the brand, don't know how good their software is, nothing.

Perkin's specifications are slightly worse then the Jasco's but they actually seems to be pretty similar. We already have some of the brand's machines in the lab, know their SW and it's not such a big uknown as Jasco.

I will be grateful if you could share your experiences with any of these machines or recommend some other one.

Kind regards,


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