01 January 2020 1 7K Report


I am new to performing flow cytometry and analyzing the data and I have a few problems I am running into when it comes to compensation and I was hoping if anyone have insights as to what could be wrong with my data.

I use the CytoFLEX-S machine to run my samples and use FlowJo to analyze. I prepare my singles similar way as my samples using the same vile of antibody and same staining time, the only difference is I collect only 10,000 events for my singles but 100,000 events for my experimental samples. I calculate the compensation on the CytoFLEX-S after running the singles and transfer the .FCS files to my FlowJo after I complete the whole experiment and apply the calculated compensation matrix on my experimental samples on FlowJo as well.

The problem I am having with my compensation is, it seems like the generated compensation is not well compensated. As shown on the picture I have attached, the generated graph for the compensated and Uncompensated seem very similar and it doesn't seem like the compensation is properly applied.

I appreciate any feedback and comments. Thank you!

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