19 November 2021 3 4K Report


I recently did a survey (116 questions) and received responses from 226 respondents. I conducted the explanatory factor analysis, hoping to discover factors and reduce the number of questions. Seven factors are suggested according to the plot of eigenvalues. I tried both varimax and oblimin methods (loading factor > 0.5). The varimax method drops the question number from 116 to 80 (cumulative variance: 0.65), while the oblimin method drops the question number from 116 to 50 (cumulative variance 0.41).

1. I want to reduce the question number but the varimax method has a higher cumulative variance, I presume varimax method is better in this case?

2. If I decide to go with the varimax method, how do I further reduce the question number? I am thinking that instead of choosing questions with loading >0.5, choose those >0.6. However, two factors do not have questions with loading >0.6. Can I use different loading criteria for different factors? For instance, only select questions with loadings> 0.6 with factor 1, but with factor 7, I select questions with loadings > 0.5. Alternatively, I am thinking to combine some similar questions together in order to reduce the question number, but is there a more objective method of doing so? Or is there any other suggested way to reduce the question number?

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