Hello colleagues, is Facebow record taking really necessary during a complete denture fabrication. Considering the fact that we are re-organizing the occlusion in complete dentures anyway ?
You reorganize the complete denture but you cannot change the mandibular joint. Many mechanical aspects and even muscular aspects are linked with the mandibular joint and the distances between the two joints, between joints and teeth, the angles and so on.
If you completely ignore the aspects of the mandibular joint, you may have no troubles because the system is also very adaptable or "compensating". But you can also get big troubles ignoring this aspects if you overload this complexe system, if it would "decompensate". This troubles can be very severe and maybe irreversible.
There are also forensic aspects: if you ignore this aspects and the patient get troubles with his joints or muscles, you will be made responsible for this.
So I would urgently recommend you to consider these aspects.
In Germany the minimum consense is, that that you make a diagnosis of the TMJ, and if there are symptoms, you have to do more. A very simple test is the "CMD-Check" from AHLERS and JAKSTAT.
There is no sound evidence supporting the use of the face bow transfer improve patient outcomes in complete denture treatment.
Farias-Neto, A., Dias, A. H. M., de Miranda, B. F. S. and de Oliveira, A. R. (2013), Face-bow transfer in prosthodontics: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 40: 686–692.
Highly appreciated. The study also mentioned that without facebow transfer, better results were obtained and simpler techniques are recommended for complete dentures.
What do you think Mr Rudolf. You point that TMJ is to be considered is valid .... but is it only possible with a facebow ? If we adjust the occlusal place and establish the freeway space and construct the denture in muscular balance using a simple hingle or non-adjustable articulator, wont a complete denture be successful ?
What do you think Mr Rudolf. You point that TMJ is to be considered is valid .... but is it only possible with a facebow ? If we adjust the occlusal place and establish the freeway space and construct the denture in muscular balance using a simple hingle or non-adjustable articulator, wont a complete denture be successful ?
I am a friend of evidence-based medicine. The work of Farias-Neto et al. has a very high level of evidence, so I am not persuaded but convinced: a face-bow gains no benefits in prosthodontics, especially in complete denture treatment and splint-treatment (interesting would be which diagnoses leaded to the splint-treatment).
But: Albert Einstein once said:" Keep things as simple as possible - but not simpler". What this means here: no facebow in this treatments has not the consequence that we can say the TMJ and the system joint-muscles-innervation has no influence in the costruction of teeth.
I do not know this, but it would be very interesting: were the dentures and splints from the investigation of Farias-Neto et al., which were constructed without facebow, constructed in a simple hingle or non-adjustable articulator? If not, then the conclusion to do this, is not permitted!
I think, a lot of research is to do in this field, first of all: Are there similar results in fixed dentures or combined dentures? Not a single study was done here!