F. macrophylla has hard stem and F. semialata soft one. There is need of improvement in stem traits of F. semialata through inter-specific crosses between them, but F. macrophylla flowered in August/ September and F. semialata in January/ February.
Do not cultivate the two species at the same time. plant the one that flowers late first and after an interval of four months you plant the one that flowers early so that they can both flower at the same period for the crosses to be made. you may need to provide additional management technique and practices to get this achieved.
Thanks Godwin for your suggestions. To add in my query I would like to say something about this species. Flemingia species are perennial busy plant and photo sensitive. It needs specific climatic condition to flower. I pruned the plant at fifteen days interval for its synchronization but observed only vegetative growth beyond the specific period of flowering.