Ikba is indeed an NFkB target transcript (eg. In response to LPS/IL1) and can be used as an indicator of NFkB activation. However some additional proof as suggested by Nupur will be good to have.
take a look at Trans-AM NF-B assay (active motif), in my opinion it works really well. Through this assay, you should detect nuclear translocation of different complexes of NF-kB in order to be sure of its activation, as suggested by Nupur as well.
Depending on your project you can evaluate NF-kB p65 activity in many ways:
Using Western Blot:
- Phospho-NF-kB p65 (Ser 536) and total NF-kB p65 levels
- Measure phospho IkBalpha and total IkBalpha levels (If canonical NF-kB pathway is activated, it would be degraded)
-Phospho IKKb and total IKKb levels (Caution, I have used both Cell Signalling and Abcam antibodies with little success)
- You can also look at nuclear localization of NF-kB (Under IF and/or IHC)
-You can also quantify expression of adhesion molecules (ICAM-1, VCAM-1, and e-selectin), cytokines (IL-1beta, IL-6, MIP1alpha, IP-10) using quantitative real time PCR and/or Western Blot. You should also include NF-kB inhibitors such as TPCA-1 and JSH-23
You should also include proper controls for NF-kB p65 such as LPS or TNFa