Dear Experts, I am beginner in Geant4. I have modified geant4/examples/basic/B4d input to score energy spectrum in the sensitive volume. I have used the following code for energy binning char name[16]; for (G4int i=0; iadd(“gamma”); filter->SetKineticEnergy(kmin,kmax); primitive->SetFilter(filter);
logvol->RegisterPrimitive(primitive); Now as per B4d examples, for hist collection I did the foloowing
fphotonCurrentHCID=G4SDManager::GetSDpointer()->GetCollectionID("Det/current"); Then auto current=GetSum(GetHitsCollection( fphotonCurrentHCID, event)); Now as per B4d examples, for hist collection I did the foloowing analysismanager->CreateH1("current","photon current", 48, 0., 1.2*MeV); Now, how I feel that some modification is required in and to get histogram in the format of (energy-bin vs counts)?But I do not know how to do it.
Kindly give me some suggestion. Thanking you in advance.