11 November 2016 5 5K Report

Hello everyone, 

I am currently working on a dam breach 2D model with HEC-RAS and HMS. 

Anyhow, when I am describing my upstream subbasin in HMS with SCS CN method, I am using 24.41% as the Impervious, which I have gotten the data from the online tool StreamStats. The drainage area is 1.3 square miles with about 70% is developed (urban) land (where the % ratio of commercial to residential is about 60:40) and the rest is mixture of wooded areas to grassland. 

My concern is that I have never used such a high impervious % before and my naive understanding of the upstream routing hydrology can't seem to make a valid engineering judgment on whether this data from StreamStats is reasonable or not.

With that being said, my question is: what are the actual effects of incorporating impervious area to your runoff routing? The impacts on CN,T_lag, Tc are actually not as big as I expected (when I decrease to 5%, the weighted CN goes from 85 to 82). I would really appreciate if anyone can help me out or recommend me some literature, as I cannot seem to find an adequate one. 

I hope I addressed everything that was needed! 



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