Dear @Ali Hassan Hommadi There are well distinct effects of both biotic and abiotic stresses on crop plants. Biotic stresses such as diseases, insect, nematodes, weeds, and the like cause significant losses to crop yields. Similarly, abiotic stresses such as moisture stresses (excess or deficient), temperature (cold or heat), minerals (excess or shortage), acidity, salinity, and the like conspicuously reduce crop yields. Literature abounds in such information. You can access the papers published by me in pulse legumes that are available in open access at RG:
يقول "سبحانه وتعالي "(انا كل شئ خلقناه بقدر" بعض المحاصبل لا تنفع في المناطق الباردة والبعض الاخر لا ينفع اذا كان في المناطق الحارة فكل محصول له بيئته التي لا يصلح الا فيها ومن ثم فان فان للضغط من مياه او املاحتاثير كبير علي حياة النبات وبالتالي علي المحاصيل فكثرة المياه من الممكن ان تميت النباتات وكثرة الاملاح قد تقتل حياة النبات ومن ثم لا يتكون هناك محاصيل
Dear @Ali Hassan Hommadi There are well distinct effects of both biotic and abiotic stresses on crop plants. Biotic stresses such as diseases, insect, nematodes, weeds, and the like cause significant losses to crop yields. Similarly, abiotic stresses such as moisture stresses (excess or deficient), temperature (cold or heat), minerals (excess or shortage), acidity, salinity, and the like conspicuously reduce crop yields. Literature abounds in such information. You can access the papers published by me in pulse legumes that are available in open access at RG: