This is a forum for scientists. We do not bring precious metals or products ourselves.
Our work results should benefit the people of the country. In this case, we must protect the people of the country from and reduce material losses in the event of earthquakes and related disasters.
You see that we can do this. But for this, it is necessary for the state leadership to know that a method has been created and successfully tested that will provide protection with a timely and accurate forecast.
( Place, time, force with an advance of hours, tens of hours...)
If we do this, then we can unite and a single global network of short-term forecasts will save the lives of us and our children.
Nowadays, climate change on the planet is causing worsening catastrophes. The number of victims of one earthquake exceeds the number of victims of local wars. Ahead - worsening weather and more casualties.
Which seismologists are ready to inform the state and participate in the Center for the Global Forecast Network?
Is your state ready to take the lead in implementing proven techniques? You understand that the "first" becomes the owner of the patents. The first one will have maximum knowledge and maximum capabilities, this is a guarantee. One of the most important factors: reliability is about 100%. There are no other methods that provide such accuracy and reliability.
Is it interesting for you? Or are you interested in talking and continuing to do your own thing? People's lives don't concern you?