For ten years I have tried, but my questions never last 15 minutes. Short or long, they are immediately removed. Then I am banned for 6 months until I try again. Apparently that is how they claim to answer 98% of questions. One problem is I don't have enough points to ask a topology question and the other is they reject any question with words like pitch value or key or guitar.
I myself once asked a topology question that received some responses even though my question was regarded as naive. An issue about points never came up for merely asking a question, only for answering or commenting.
Can you reword your question so that musical terms are eliminated in favor of abstract topic-neutral descriptions?
Terence B Allen Oh, I see. I just looked at the stackexchange category of "Real life applications of Topology" and saw this: "Thank you for your interest in this question. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation [points] on this site (the association bonus does not count)." So you're right. They have some complicated metric for determining question- and answer-worthiness that may exclude some questions from the get-go and that seems to involve previous history with the same question or similar questions and how stackexchange members reacted or voted. Very complicated and not immediately transparent. I think how one's questions fared in totally unrelated stackexchange areas (so called "Q&A communities") may have something to do with it too.