8 Questions 21 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Terence B Allen
It is not possible to learn a language such as English using only the alphabet but a guitarist can learn guitar knowing only the numeric guitar tuning. The fact that the guitar tuning is necessary...
05 May 2018 6,315 0 View
Frequency and amplitude are generally considered to be scalar values and not vectors, implying they can be defined by a point on a real number line scale. But there is another mathematical view in...
03 March 2018 3,162 0 View
I think it is clear classic string theory is defined in Z2, if only because waves are 1 and nodes are zero. If we assume the string waves and nodes are defined in Z2 as a deductive system, the...
06 June 2016 2,442 3 View
Daniel Bernoulli established the principle that the number of modes of vibration in a system is equal to the degrees of freedom. In his method of hanging weights on a string, I assume without any...
06 June 2016 872 6 View
Working on the boundary problem for the vibrating string, so I want to apply simplex theory. I figure the Euler number for the string v - e + f is calculated as 2. The reason is the there are n +...
06 June 2016 5,882 2 View
In "A Geometry of Music" by Tymoczko the author describes a lattice that "lives in what mathematicians call 'the interior of a twisted triangular two-torus,' otherwise known as a triangular...
05 May 2016 7,585 2 View
Please see attached brief mathematic statement in which I think I have shown that guitar tuning and intonation are inverse functions. Do you agree? Is there an error in the argument you can find?
01 January 1970 6,956 7 View
The Newtonian model of string vibration traces to Euler who asserted the string can have the shape of any curve that can be drawn free hand. The Hamiltonian model traces to Brook Taylor who...
01 January 1970 3,053 3 View