Please receive herewith our research article on the heart beat frequency as psycho-neural pathway for our mental health, which medically points to the heart as 'anticipatory organ'.
Please receive herewith our research article on the heart beat frequency as psycho-neural pathway for our mental health, which medically points to the heart as 'anticipatory organ'.
Function of hearth is just pumping of blood and reliability of requisite blood pressure. Emotions are controlled by 'Neurons' available in billions in number in brain.
Good question dear Dr. Esma Biroglu, thanks a lot.
I agree with all my RG-coleagues answers. I add:
According to medicine science, the heart functions as a pump in the circulatory system to provide a continuous flow of blood throughout the body, Also, The systemic circulation then transports oxygen to the body and returns carbon dioxide and relatively de-oxygenated blood to the heart for transfer to the lungs.
However, the relation between heart and emotions can be viewed using the links below which may be useful:
Experience of an emotion results from the brain, heart and body acting in concert. Basically, feelings of happiness and pleasure are linked to the prefrontal cortex. Anger, fear, sadness, and other negative emotions are linked to the amygdala. Emotions are believed to be generated from a physical source, and the part of the brain responsible for it is the limbic system of the brain, which is made up of several structures located in the cerebral cortex.
Some believe that the heart is responsible for controlling the body, emotions and emotions, but that is a misconception, the control of the body is the brain.
In embryology the heart is primary and it operates through an emotional faculty called intuition. This is a feeling based capacity. Much of my research work is to do with this. Our rational thinking mind is connected with the brain and the masculine principle whereas the mind of the heart is connected to the female principle and intuition. I am now researching historically how this principle has been depreciated for over two thousand years. I have one paper on this called When a Virgin is not a Virgin and a new one is coming up soon.
Almost all of us believe that heart organ is responsible for feeling and emotions. However, many researches prove that the feelings come from the brain only. The limbic cortex is the most important part of the brain that controls our emotions, feelings and physical reactions. Limbic Cortex is therefore referred to as the emotional brain.
The job of our hearts is to pump blood throughout our body.
While the brain controls lower, unconscious physiological activities such as breathing, pulse, and digestion; and higher, conscious activities such as thinking, reasoning, and feeling.
The exclusion of the remainder of the body in the development of perceptions I feel is a mistake although the brain is responsible for computations. Spatial judgement, sensation, paradigms of liking and love are principally associated to and dependent on the body.
Everything influences the brain, some things have a stronger influence than others, and what determines your choice changes depending on the circumstances. We are bombarded with input all the time.