While performing CFA, I got negative and low factor loading for a few constructs in AMOS, but model fit indices are good. Is the result of the CFA model valid? Can i proceed with the study or do i have to remove negative and low factor loading?
Myself, you may want to delete the variables from the analysis and tell the reader you did that. Having variables in your model which have no correlations with anything else will cause you to have a good fit to the independence null (which assumes no correlations) and therefore traditional fit indices like the TLI will not be as high. It depends on the context of your study, though. if these are variables that everybody in your area are using I would think you'd want to keep them in the model. Before you do that, though, be sure to scatterplot these variables against the other variables in the factor. maybe there are some problems with the variables (like nonlinear relationships or outlying observations) which are behind the low correlations. For what it's worth.