Yah, for the heat we can say the term heat stress of the animal. when heat stress increases the behavior, feeding, and drinking pattern of the animal will change. So this is not only for goats but also for other animals. BCS depends on the animal's nutrients level and physiology fitness, if the animal does not take feeds and water in a proper way, that affects the BCS. so Feed intake directly affected by heat in the goat.
Yes, feeding has an important role in bringing the animal in heat at frequent interval. If animals are not fed adequate then delay or fluctuate in heat may be seen. So proper feeding can enhance the reproductive activity
Yes feeding has an important effect on fertility and reproductive performance of ruminants, particularly goats. This is due to effects of energy, protein and vitamins. Well fed animals reach puberty age earlier than poor fed ones.This was clearly observed in pasture and range fed animals in Sudan , after a good rainy season followed by good growth of vegetation where twinning rate was high among goats, unlike poor rainy seasons where there was low twinning and some times some cases of abortions.