It is an accepted practice to express the nutrients in fertilizers as percentage of nitrogen (N), phosphate (P2O5), and potash (K2O). We know that plants do not take up these nutrients in any of these forms, and this practice is being continued because of some historical reasons. In olden days, plant ash analysis was the major procedure for studying plant nutrition, and scientists, while analysing plant ash for various elements, observed that when these elements were expressed as oxides, they summed up to 100 percent indicating total analysis. Consequently, it became a practice to express various plant nutrients found in plant ash in oxide form (P2O5, K2O, CaO, MgO, etc.). Other elements that may not be present in plant ash are expressed in elemental forms only ( Examples, nitrogen ( N) and sulphur (S). This system has been accepted by the fertilizer industry to express grades of all fertilizers.

My question is: Why are we continuing this odd practice still now?. Why don’t we opt to express all the nutrients in elemental form?

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