Art is not based on evidence, but on experience. Art does not confine to logic, it is an expression of feelings. Literature is a form of art from which meaning are extracted that form the basis of certain forms of philosophy. Religious and spiritual books are expressed using poetry from which we get themes and messages on morality. Art does not work with hypothesis and does not need evidence and hence art is separate from science, although, there can be some overlaps, their goal is different. Artists try to express the reality through their intuitive understanding - they work on a creative future or with verse and colors try to express the meaning of life, scientists try to logical express it with investigation and evidence and engineers use it to develop solutions for certain problems. Some of the greatest engineering achievements of today come from creative works from artists few hundred years ago. Howsoever, the spirituality of today may become science of the future when with better technology and theories, scientists will be able to paint a better picture and holistic viewpoint of life.

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