salinity; transporter; bacteria
The antimicrobial effect of local anesthetics has been known for more than 50 years, but it still seems to have an unclear mechanism of action. which bacteria? which concentration? etc etc. ....
27 February 2021 4,450 2 View
I am learning how to use SPM for PET and PET-MR analysis, but I haven't found any great resources that explain how contrasts work. I have a series of PET images where our hypothesis argues that...
24 February 2021 1,534 2 View
Hello I'm currently working on a topic related to studying the anaerobic biodegradation of TPH in marine sediments. In this work, sediment should be mixed with fuel oil to a concentration of 20 g...
24 February 2021 9,839 3 View
Hello everyone, For part of my PhD project, I'm hoping to grow some lactobacillus species in the lab so that I can create standard curves for a qPCR quantification of a faecal sample. However, I...
24 February 2021 3,157 6 View
Hi everyone, I am just wondering if we incubated 200 microliter of whole blood with 50 microliter of cancer cells(1bout 5000cells) do you think that cancer would survive for 48 hours?
23 February 2021 3,840 3 View
I am trying to conduct a three-way robust ANOVA in R using the WRS2 package as: t3way(Stem ~ Species*Temperature*Salinity, data = tutto) and there is an error saying : Error in if...
22 February 2021 1,674 8 View
Hi everyone, This is my first time of attempting to run survival analysis. I have a data on patients with End-stage Kidney Diseases (ESKD). I would want to run survival probability by treatment...
16 February 2021 2,647 3 View
I have been reading various articles and most state that treatment with CaCl2 produces higher efficiency of transformation than MgCl2. Can anyone explain why Ca2+ is better than Mg2+ at...
16 February 2021 8,519 5 View
At first please see the attachment. This experiment was performed for a period of 7 days (n=100). After 7 days, we found different level of survival rate (%) for each treatment. Now, I want to...
15 February 2021 9,145 2 View
I would highly appreciate it if my fellow ecologists (biologists) provide their opinion on the thoughts below [esp., shortly tell us which path may be more effective, if they know another way, if...
15 February 2021 3,642 6 View